Урок английского правила поведения за столом: Конспект урока по английскому языку»Правила поведения за столом» – Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе » Правила этикета за столом»

Конспект урока по английскому языку»Правила поведения за столом»

hello_html_190e626f.gifУрок английского языка по теме «Table Manners»

Цель урока:

— обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Как вести себя за столом;
— совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения.

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:

— совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения;
— расширение языковой и коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

2. Развивающие:

— развитие способности к распределению внимания, к сравнению и   обобщению;
— формирование способности к формулированию выводов из прочитанного, к планированию своего высказывания;
— развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.

3. Воспитательные:

—  развитие эстетических вкусов;
— формирование потребности, способности к осознанию образа жизни, поведения людей другой культуры и своей родной культуры.

Оснащение урока: Тематические картинки, магнитофон

Ход урока

I.   Greetings. Introduction to the plot.

T: Good afternoon, dear girls and boys.
Good afternoon our guests. I am very glad to see you.
How are you, children?
CI: Fine, thank you

T: Ok. Then  we’ll begin our lesson. Table Manners are very important if you eat in a restaurant or at  home. Imagine that your friend invited your to his party. It is very important to follow table manners. Today we are going to speak about them.

II. Warming up. 1. T: I want you to see a fragment from the film and say if the boys really have a problem.

(Учащиеся смотрят фрагмент фильма)

T: You have just seen a fragment . Do these boys really have a problem?

P: Yes, they do.

T: What problem do they have?

P: They don’t know table manners.

T: You are right. I’m sure all people should know table manners. Today we are going to speak about them.

Let’s remind some words:

Ложка,вилка,нож,тарелка, салфетка,рот,локти,колени,кусать,жеватьпередавать,грубый,вежливый,.положи салфетку на колени,локти прижаты к бокам.

T: Tell me ,what table manners you know .

P1: You should sit straight at the table.

P2: Elbows close to your sides.

P3: The fork goes on the left.  …  …

T :what is rude?

P: It is rude to eat without your fork and spoon…….P,P,P

Ex. On the blackboard:

To eat with your fingers

To talk at table polite

To play with your food

To sit straight

To speak when your mouth is full of food rude

To use a fork and a knife

To watch yourself

To bite more than you can chew

To thank after meal

III. Reading

T.: There is a sheet of paper with the text on it on each desk  Please read the text  ‘At the table”

First: read new words, and then look through the text, read aloud

At the table

  1. Be punctual.

  2. Wash your hands before coming to table.

  3. In America, they invite others at the table to “Enjoy”. In France, they say “Bon Appetite». Germans say,”Gutten appetite”, and Italians,”Buon Appetito”.The British say nothing.

  4. Take your napkin and put it on your lap.

  5. Sit up straight and keep your elbows off the table.

  6. Ask the people around you kindly to pass things that are far from you, then, thank them.

  7. Whenever you are asked , pass things as quickly and as kindly as possible.

  8. If you sneeze or cough while you are at the table, turn your head from the food and cover your mouth.

  9. Try not to stuff your mouth full of food .Also try not to talk when your mouth is full of food.

  10. It is not polite to leave a spoon in a tea cup. Put your spoon on the saucer.

  11. Don’t eat from your knife.

  12. Never read while eating.

  13. While you are eating, put the knife and fork on the edge of your plate. Try not to put them down on the table.

  14. Hands should be kept in your lap when you are not eating.

  15. Before you leave the table, remember to thank the person who was kind enough to prepare your food.

To be punctual –приходить вовремя







while eating-во время еды

edge- край


Ex; Translate from Russian into English:

Say true or false:

  1. In Britain, they invite others at the table to “Enjoy”.

  2. You should eat with your fork and spoon.

  3. The knife goes on the right of your plate.

  4. Take your napkin and put it on the table.

  5. To talk at table is polite.

  6. Sit as straight as you could.

  7. Talk when your mouth is full of food.

  8. When you are not eating hands should be kept in your lap

  9. If something on the table is too far away, you can stand up and take it.

  10. When you are leaving, you should thank the host and hostess.

Ex We should be polite at the table. Let’s learn how you should ask the people around you

kindly to pass things that are far from you,

-Could you pass me the salt, please?(the salad, the sugar, the pepper, some bread)

-Here you are

-Thank you

Ex Now Give a good piece of advice to the boy-What he should and shouldn’t do.(Presentation)

I think it’s time to sing our song; Table manners

Ex; Match the picture and the meaning;

1I am going to eat more 2 I’m finished 3 The table is set.

EX ;Fill in the gaps with the necessary wordwrite in the copybooks)

The …….. goes on the right of your plate.

The ……… goes on the left of your plate.

Use ………while eating soup.

Use ………. while eating cakes and stew.

Also try not to talk when your …….. is full of food.

Never play with your ………..

……. close to your sides

Home task exA p131

VIII. Marks.

T: I thank you for your excellent work and give only good marks. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе » Правила этикета за столом»

Класс: 6

Предмет: английский язык

УМК: Биболетова М.З.,Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский c удовольствием/Enjoy English для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2008.

Тема урока: «Правила этикета за столом».

Тип урока: комбинированный

План-конспект урока

Цель урока: формирование диалогической речи и лексико-грамматических умений по теме.

Задачи: Обучающие


1. Активизации лексики по теме «Этикет».

2.Формированию навыков письменной речи.

3.Формирование навыков диалогической речи.

4.Формирование навыков аудирования, чтения.



1. Развитию умения отвечать на вопросы по теме.

2. Развитию памяти, мышления.

3. Развитию мотивации к изучаемой теме.



1.Воспитанию культуры поведения за столом, соблюдения этикета..

Режим работы: фронтальный, индивидуальный, парный.

Оснащение урока: CD, проектор, карточки с текстом, индивидуальные карточки.

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент

Good morning, dear pupils! ( ) I’m glad to see you too! How are you? ( ) I’m very glad to hear it!

Today we’re going to talk about good manners at the table. I hope you’ll enjoy and take an active part in the lesson.

2.Речевая разминка.

-You should describe yourself in three words. For example, I am hardworking, creative and polite. Who wants to be the first? ( )

-Do you remember the word polite? ( )

-Is it important to be polite?

-What are your associations with this word? ( )

3.Активизация лексики по теме, формирование навыков письменной речи.

1)-Open your exercise books, write down the date. What is the date today? ( )

You should do the word web:

Please — Polite — thank you

/ \sorry …

Excuse me

-Let’s listen to each other.( ) Well done!

2)Look at the board and read the poem. ( )

Always be polite and sweet

At home, in the street.

Remember please, goodbye and thanks,

And you will have a lot of friends.

-Let’s translate. ( ) Let’s try to learn this poem. (Разучивание стихотворения по строчке.

1 строчку произносит 1 ряд, 2 строчку – 2ряд, 3 строчку – 3 ряд, 4 строчку – все вместе. По желанию рассказывают индивидуально.)

4. Физкультминутка. Активизация лексики по теме.

(Каждый ряд строится друг за другом, по команде первый бежит к доске, составляет слово ( предлагаются карточки), бежит назад, касается второго, затем бежит второй, и т.д. Чей ряд быстрее и правильно запишет слова по теме.)

Thank you/ please/sorry/ polite/ excuse me

5.Развитие навыков поискового вида чтения.

Choose good manners from your cards.

— to speak with our mouth full.

-to put the table napkin (салфетку) on our knees. (gm)

-to reach (тянуться) across for the salt.

-to use the fork and knife properly.(gm)

-to put our elbows on the table.

-to wave (махать) the knife or fork in the air.

— to eat noiselessly (бесшумно). (gm)

— to wash our hands before we eat. (gm)

-Let’s listen to your answers. ( )

6.Формирование навыков диалогической речи.

  1. -Let’s work in pairs. Look at the board, read the dialogue and act out it.

a)Mother: Dinner is ready.

Father: Good appetite.

Daughter: Would you like a cup of tea?

Son: Just a little, please.

Father: The porridge is very delicious.

Son: I like it very much.

Daughter: Will you pass me the salt?

Mother: OK. Would you like some more porridge?

Son: Yes, please.

Father: Oh, thank you.

b) Mother: Dinner is ready.

Father: Good appetite.

Daughter: Would you like a cup of tea?

Son: Just a little, please.

Father: The salad is very delicious.

Son: I like it very much. Thank you

Mother: You are welcome!

8. Оценка работы на уроке. Домашнее задание. Подведение итога урока.

What have we done in the lesson? ( ) Why we must have good manners? ( To be polite is to have good manners. People must respect each other. Peace in the world). Mark are … . Home task: Ex.. 16, p100. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.

a)Mother: Dinner is ready.

Father: Good appetite.

Daughter: Would you like a cup of tea?

Son: Just a little, please.

Father: The porridge is very delicious.

Son: I like it very much.

Daughter: Will you pass me the salt?

Mother: OK. Would you like some more porridge?

Son: Yes, please.

Father: Oh, thank you.


b) Mother: Dinner is ready.

Father: Good appetite.

Daughter: Would you like a cup of tea?

Son: Just a little, please.

Father: The salad is very delicious.

Son: I like it very much. Thank you

Mother: You are welcome!


Always be polite and sweet

At home, in the street.

Remember please, goodbye and thanks,

And you will have a lot of friends.

Choose good manners from your cards.

— to speak with our mouth full.

-to put the table napkin (салфетку) on our knees.

-to reach (тянуться) across for the salt.

-to use the fork and knife properly.

-to put our elbows on the table.

-to wave (махать) the knife or fork in the air.

— to eat noiselessly (бешумно).

— to wash our hands before we eat.


Choose good manners from your cards.

— to speak with our mouth full.

-to put the table napkin (салфетку) on our knees.

-to reach (тянуться) across for the salt.

-to use the fork and knife properly.

-to put our elbows on the table.

-to wave (махать) the knife or fork in the air.

— to eat noiselessly (бешумно).

— to wash our hands before we eat.


Choose good manners from your cards.

— to speak with our mouth full.

-to put the table napkin (салфетку) on our knees.

-to reach (тянуться) across for the salt.

-to use the fork and knife properly.

-to put our elbows on the table.

-to wave (махать) the knife or fork in the air.

— to eat noiselessly (бешумно).

— to wash our hands before we eat.


Choose good manners from your cards.

— to speak with our mouth full.

-to put the table napkin (салфетку) on our knees.

-to reach (тянуться) across for the salt.

-to use the fork and knife properly.

-to put our elbows on the table.

-to wave (махать) the knife or fork in the air.

— to eat noiselessly (бешумно).

— to wash our hands before we eat.

Класс: 7

Предмет: английский язык

УМК: Биболетова М.З.,Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский c удовольствием/Enjoy English для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2011.

Тема урока: «Средства массовой коммуникации».

Тип урока: урок-соревнование (повторение).

План-конспект урока

Цель урока: повторить изученный материал по теме.

Задачи: Обучающие


  1. Формированию устной речи по теме .

  2. Активизации грамматического материала.

2.Формированию навыков письменной речи.

3. Формированию навыков аудирования, чтения.



1. Формированию навыков диалогической речи.

2. Развитию памяти, мышления.

3. Развитию умения использовать изученный лексико-грамматический материал в устной и письменной речи.

3. Развитию мотивации к изучаемой теме.



1.Воспитанию интереса к изучению английского языка.

Режим работы: парный, групповой.

Оснащение урока: CD, проектор, карточки.

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент

Good morning, dear pupils! ( ) I’m glad to see you too! How are you? ( ) I’m very glad to hear it!

Today we’re going to review the theme “Means of communication” in the form of competition. I hope you’ll enjoy and take an active part in the lesson. Let’s divide into 2 groups, choose the name of your team and motto from the cards on the table and introduce yourself.

(Mottoes: Forward !-(вперёд)/ We are united – we are the best! (Когда мы едины, мы непобедимы)./ Forward and forward, we’ll never stop! (Вперёд и вперёд, мы никогда не остановимся)./ Names: Stars/ Victory/ …


1)Let’s get acquainted with the teams.

(Our team is … . Our motto is … . My name is … .I am … .I think I am clever, creative, hardworking. My hobby is … .I take part in sports competitions)

-Thank you very much. Let’s start our competition.


Task №1. Read the tongue twister 3 times correctly. A proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee pot.

Task№2. Fill in letters. C_mpute_, tel_p_one, _mai_, Inte_n_t, com_uni_ation, t_legr_ph, f_x, l_t_er

Task №3. Finish the sentence.

1.A person who likes to talk is … (talkative)

2. A person who is very unkind is … (cruel)

3. A person who is nervous in the company of people is … (shy)

4. A person who doesn’t like to work is … (lazy)

5. A person who produces new ideas is … (creative)

6. A person who works hard is … (hardworking)

7. A person who likes to be with others is … (sociable)

8. A person who has a lot of friends is … (friendly)

9. A person who always tries to help is … (helpful)

10. A person who knows lots of is … (curious or clever)

Task № 4. Stand up. Stand in line. You should run to the chair, take a sheet of paper, read the expressions and find the right translations. Let’s start.

A phone box/ to ring up/ a phone card/ to communicate/ means of communication/ long distance/ computer/ the internet/ information/ to receive letters

Звонить/ телеф.карта/ телеф.будка/ средства связи/ большое расстояние/ компьютер/ получать письма/ интернет/ сообщать, общаться/ информация

Task №5. Answer the questions. What is the telephone number? Captain’s competition. Captains, come here, please. (Получают карточки с номерами телефонов, по очереди называют)

Kate – 436967 (Kate’s tel.number is four-three-six-nine-six-seven)

Mr Smith – 3527689

Mrs Brown – 549033

Helen – 875412

Jack – 228860

Bob — 3428501

-Thank you.Well done!

Task № 6. Act out the dialogue “Talking on the telephone”


-Hello. Who is speaking?

-It’s … . Can I speak to …?

-Just a moment, please.

-Hello, … . What’s up?

-Hello. Let’ go to the sport club.

-Oh, sorry. I am doing my homework.

-What a pity.

-Don’t worry. Let’s go at the weekend.

-OK. See you. Bye.


2) –Hello, … .

-Hello, … . What’s up?

— I have some problems.

-Oh, what problems have you got?.

-I can’t translate the text into English.

-Don’t worry. Come to me and I ‘ll help you.

-Thanks a lot. See you.

-OK. See you.

5. Оценка работы на уроке. Домашнее задание. Подведение итога урока.

-Let’s count the points. ( ) The team “ “ is a winner! Well done!

Do you like the lesson? ( ) Thank you for your active part in the lesson. Your marks are … .Home task: Review the words, expressions, grammar rules . Our lesson is over. Good-bye.

Класс: 6

Предмет: английский язык

УМК: Биболетова М.З.,Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский c удовольствием/Enjoy English для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2008.

Тема урока: «Лица Лондона».

Тип урока: урок-соревнование (повторение).

План-конспект урока

Цель урока: повторить изученный материал по теме.

Задачи: Обучающие


  1. Формированию устной речи по теме .

  2. Активизации грамматического материала.

2.Формированию навыков письменной речи.

3. Формированию навыков аудирования, чтения.



1. Формированию навыков диалогической речи.

2. Развитию памяти, мышления.

3. Развитию умения использовать изученный лексико-грамматический материал в устной и письменной речи.

3. Развитию мотивации к изучаемой теме.



1.Воспитанию интереса к изучению английского языка.

Режим работы: парный, групповой.

Оснащение урока: CD, проектор, карточки.

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент

Good morning, dear pupils! ( ) I’m glad to see you too! How are you? ( ) I’m very glad to hear it!

Today we’re going to review the theme “Faces of London” in the form of competition. I hope you’ll enjoy and take an active part in the lesson. Let’s divide into 2 groups, choose the name of your team and motto from the cards on the table and introduce yourself.

(Mottoes: Forward !-(вперёд)/ We are united – we are the best! (Когда мы едины, мы непобедимы)./ Forward and forward, we’ll never stop! (Вперёд и вперёд, мы никогда не остановимся)./ Names: Stars/ Victory/ …


1)Let’s get acquainted with the teams.

(Our team is … . Our motto is … . My name is … .I am … .I think I am clever, creative, hardworking. My hobby is … .I take part in sports competitions)

-Thank you very much. Let’s start our competition.


Task №1. Read the tongue twister 3 times correctly. A proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee pot.

Task№2. Fill in letters.

Task №3. Finish the sentence.

1.A person who likes to talk is … (talkative)

2. A person who is very unkind is … (cruel)

3. A person who is nervous in the company of people is … (shy)

4. A person who doesn’t like to work is … (lazy)

5. A person who produces new ideas is … (creative)

6. A person who works hard is … (hardworking)

7. A person who likes to be with others is … (sociable)

8. A person who has a lot of friends is … (friendly)

9. A person who always tries to help is … (helpful)

10. A person who knows lots of is … (curious or clever)

Task № 4. Stand up. Stand in line. You should run to the chair, take a sheet of paper, read the expressions and write the right translations. Let’s start.

Task №5. Fill in the articles.

Task №5. Answer the questions. What is the telephone number? Captain’s competition. Captains, come here, please. (Получают карточки с номерами телефонов, по очереди называют)

Kate – 436967 (Kate’s tel.number is four-three-six-nine-six-seven)

Mr Smith – 3527689

Mrs Brown – 549033

Helen – 875412

Jack – 228860

Bob — 3428501

-Thank you.Well done!

Task № 6. Tell us about London and faces of London.

5. Оценка работы на уроке. Домашнее задание. Подведение итога урока.

-Let’s count the points. ( ) The team “ “ is a winner! Well done!

Do you like the lesson? ( ) Thank you for your active part in the lesson. Your marks are … .Home task: Review the words, expressions, grammar rules . Our lesson is over. Good-bye.


— Forward !-(вперёд)

— We are united – we are the best! (Когда мы едины, мы непобедимы).

-Forward and forward, we’ll never stop! (Вперёд и вперёд, мы никогда не остановимся)

-Why not?

-Live and learn!

-Be the first!…

Names: Stars/ Victory/…



— Forward !-(вперёд)

— We are united – we are the best! (Когда мы едины, мы непобедимы).

-Forward and forward, we’ll never stop! (Вперёд и вперёд, мы никогда не остановимся)

-Why not?

-Live and learn!

-Be the first!…

Names: Stars/ Victory/…


Kate – 439967

Mrs Brown – 549033

Jane – 827541

Jack – 200866

Bob — 3428501


Mary – 436967

Mr Smith – 3527689

Helen – 875412

Jack – 228860

Bob — 3785024


-Hello. Who is speaking?

-It’s … . Can I speak to …?

-Just a moment, please.

-Hello, … . What’s up?

-Hello. Let’ go to the sport club.

-Oh, sorry. I am doing my homework.

-What a pity.

-Don’t worry. Let’s go at the weekend.

-OK. See you. Bye.



2) –Hello, … .

-Hello, … . What’s up?

— I have some problems.

-Oh, what problems have you got?.

-I can’t translate the text into English.

-Don’t worry. Come to me and I ‘ll help you.

-Thanks a lot. See you.

-OK. See you.

Класс: 8

Предмет: английский язык

УМК: Биболетова М.З.,Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский c удовольствием/Enjoy English для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2011.

Тема урока: «Природа моего края. Моё отношение к природе».

Тип урока: комбинированный

План-конспект урока

Цель урока: развитие навыков устной речи по теме.

Задачи: Обучающие


  1. Активизации устной речи по теме «Природа».

  2. Активизации грамматического материала.

2.Формированию навыков письменной речи.

3. Формированию навыков аудирования, чтения.



1. Развитию умения выражать своё мнение.

2. Развитию памяти, мышления.

3. Развитию умения использовать изученный лексико-грамматический материал в устной и письменной речи.

3. Развитию мотивации к изучаемой теме.



1.Воспитанию любви и заботы к богатствам нашей природы.

Режим работы: фронтальный, парный, групповой.

Оснащение урока: CD,проектор, учебники, карточки.

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент

Good morning, dear pupils! ( ) I’m glad to see you too! How are you? ( ) I’m very glad to hear it!

Today we’re going to talk about nature of our country and our place of living. I hope you’ll enjoy and take an active part in the lesson.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

-Let’s remember the words to the theme “Nature”. Name it one by one, please.

( Rivers, mountains, ecology, ….)

3.Речевая разминка.

1)You should agree or disagree with my statements. Listen to me very attentively.

  1. The Earth is the unique place where there are a lot of oceans, seas, islands, mountains, rivers and lakes, forests and fields. ( I agree with you. The Earth …)

  2. The Earth is poor in animals. ( I disagree with you. The Earth is rich in animals)

  3. Russia is the 2nd country in the world. ( )

  4. The flora and fauna of one country differs from other country. ( )

  5. We must protect our environment. ( )

4.Развитие навыков аудирования, письма.

-Let’s listen to the text about Tatarstan and then do one exercise. You should fill in the words.

5.Формирование лексико-грамматических навыков, развитие письменной речи, формирование навыков устной речи.

1)Let’s divide into groups in appropriate with your place of living.

  1. Mereden. 2. Tat. Suncheleevo. 3. MUD. 4. Mokshino.

-You should describe the nature of your place and then tell us by everyone.

( На доске весит фото деревни МЮД.We live in MUD, in Tatarstan, Aksubaevskiy district. The climate is continental with warm, sometimes hot summers and quite cold winters. People do gardening, pig farming, dairy farming and others. Such wild animals as elks, wolves, foxes, hares, hedgehogs and others live in the forest. The forest is rich in different trees, original beautiful flowers, plants, bushes.Our village is rich in oil. We can take a clean water from our springs. There is a long river the Sulcha. I am proud of my place of living. Our nature is great. И так далее выступают другие, фото меняются)

6. Оценка работы на уроке. Домашнее задание. Подведение итога урока.

What are the main words of our lesson? (Be careful, helpful and hardworking, love your country and your place of living, protect the environment, our nature. Thanks to it we will live in peace and be healthy, wealthy and strong.). Thank you very much for your active part in the lesson! Your marks are … .Home task: Ex. 14, зю57. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.

План-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме: Манеры поведения за столом. Школа.

Конспект урока английского языка

в 7 классе

по теме: Манеры поведения за столом. Школа.

Цель: Развитие навыков устной речи по теме  «Школа», «Как вести себя за столом».

Тип урока: Урок развития подготовленных речевых умений

Учебная: совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения;

 расширение и углубление культурологических знаний

Развивающая: развитие навыков языковой реакции

развитие способности к распределению внимания, к сравнению и   обобщению;

— формирование способности к формулированию выводов из прочитанного, к планированию своего высказывания;

— развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.

Воспитательная: формировать уважение к культуре, истории, традициям, обычаям, нравам страны изучаемого языка, а через это уважение к национальной культуре; формировать умение активно  работать в коллективе.

Оборудование: Компьютеры, проектор, видео, посуда, столовые приборы.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

T.: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Who is on duty today?

-What day is today?

 — What is the date today?

— What day comes after Wednesday?

— Friday comes.

— Is anybody absent?

 Today we have guests at our lesson. Welcome!  

When a person visits you, remember he’s your guest,

Receive him very kindly, and be sure he has the best.

We’ll speak about  table manners and schools in Great Britain and in Russia.

We also revise lexical and grammar structures. I hope that it will be interesting for you during our lesson.

2. Речевая зарядка.

А)Translate the sentences use should or shouldn’t.

Тебе следует быть вежливым.

Ты должен  приходить в школу вовремя.

Ты не должен бегать в коридоре.

Ты не должен есть или пить в классе.

Тебе следует носить школьную форму.

Б) What do you know about table manners? Make up sentences.

 to talk when your mouth is full of food

To put the table napkin on your lap

To pass the salt to your friend

To try to eat without your fork and knife

To wave the knife in the air

To eat noiselessly

To eat noisily

To sit as straight as you could

3. Let’s listen to  the song about manners and fill in the gaps.

Manners, manners…

The fork goes …

The knife goes _____

And never, ever try ______

Without your fork and _____

Spoons are for soup,

Forks- ______and stew.

But never, ever try to bite

More ____than you chew.



They are all that ______

Sit as straight as you ____,

Elbows close to your sides.


They are all that matters.

Never play with your____,

And you will be all right.

If something is too ____

You pass it to your ____

But never, ever try to take

From other people’s ____

To talk at table is____,

And not to talk is rude.

And never, ever try to talk

When your mouth is full of food.

At table every ___

You have _____yourself,

And never, ever start

Without a napkin_____.

Manners, manners…

The fork goes on the left,

The knife goes on the right,

And never, ever try to eat

Without your fork and knife.

Spoons are for soup,

Forks- for cakes and stew.

But never, ever try to bite

More food than you chew.



They are all that matters.

Sit as straight as you could,

Elbows close to your sides.


They are all that matters.

Never play with your food,

And you will be all right.

If something is too far,

You pass it to your mates.

But never, ever try to take

From other people’s plates.

To talk at table is polite,

And not to talk is rude.

And never, ever try to talk

When your mouth is full of food.

At table every time

You have to watch yourself,

And never, ever start

Without a napkin on your lap.

4. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

Do you know English table manners?

-The fork goes on the left,

The knife goes on the right

-When he finishes his meal, he puts the knife and the fork like this.

— put the napkin on your lap

— Sit as straight as you could

— It is not polite to leave the table during a meal

— Don’t  talk with your mouth full

— Never read while eating

— Don’t put your elbows on the table

-It is not polite to leave a spoon in a tea cup. Put your spoon on the sauce

3. Актуализация навыков устной речи.  

Тeacher: We have read much about schools in Great Britain. What is common and different in  school systems in Great Britain and in Russia? Look at the blackboard.Fill in the table.

Учитель с помощью учащихся заполняет таблицу, прикрепляя карточки со словами магнитами к доске

Тhere are different types of schools.

99 per cent of the children go to state schools.

Private schools are very expensive.

The discipline is very strict.

Eton is the most famous public school.

If you get a scholarship it means that you don’t have to pay money for the school.

There are some boarding schools.

4. Развитие навыков написания  письма о школе.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Den. You should write a letter about your school.

5. Контроль навыков усвоения пройденного материала.

-Match the questions and the answers about school year in Britain?

— Find the subjects in this wordsearch?

  1. Put the words below into  the correct columns. One word doesn’t go. Which one?

primary;      rugby;    religion;      geography;      literature;      football;

independent;        uniform;       history;      netball;    science;    state;        secondary;        badminton;       boarding;


types of school


6. Домашнее задание. Homework Ex A p 132

7. Подведение итогов.

School gives much knowledge for your future education and work. I wish you to get excellent marks.

Marks and choose your future profession. Thank you for your work. Goodbye!

Урок по английскому языку на тему «Как вести себя за столом»

Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 46

городского округа Тольятти

на заседании МО учителей
английского языка

Руководитель МО

_________________Е. А. Панова


Директор МБУ СОШ № 46

______________ Л. А. Чубенко

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку

в 7«А» классе

Тип урока: Урок обобщения

Тема урока: «Как вести себя за столом»

Учитель английского языка: Чекашкина Лидия Владимировна.


2014 г.

Дата: 11.02.2014

Класс: 7″а»

Учитель: Чекашкина Лидия Владимировна

Тема: «Как вести себя за столом»

Тип урока Урок повторения.

Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции по теме

«Как вести себя за столом»



  • Систематизировать лексику по изученной теме.

  • Совершенствовать произносительные навыки.

  • Отработать навык аудирования аутентичных текстов.

  • Совершенствовать навыки монологической/ диалогической речи.


  • Развивать произвольное внимание, слуховую память, самостоятельность учащихся в ситуациях реального общения.

  • Развивать творческую активность в работе с диалогом и монологом.

  • Развивать умения учащихся соотносить свои действия с действиями своих товарищей в условиях коллективной деятельности.


  • Формировать терпимое отношение и уважение мнения другого человека при работе в группе.

  • Воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Используемая литература:  «Happy English», К.И. Кауфман.

Оборудование: ТСО

Наглядный материал:

  1. сюжетные картинки по теме

  2. раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями, таблички для заполнения)

  3. презентационный материал

  4. карточки-рефлексия с изображением лиц (улыбка, грусть)

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.


T:Hello, students! I’m glad to see you. I hope you are fine today.

I check your preparing for the lesson. (учитель проверяет наличие школьных принадлежностей к уроку)

Thank you. I see you are ready to start our lesson. But who is on duty today?

St: I’m.

T: who is absent today?

St: Nobody is.

T: What date is it?

St: The 10 of February. It is Monday.

T:It’s great! I see you are excellent today! Let’s look to each other and discuss. Sasha tells me please how looks like your classmate?

St: Nikita is good. ………

T: Do you sit straight?

St: No, I don’t.

T:Alina, how do you think we should sit at the desk?

St: We should sit straight, our hands on the desk, look at the teachers.

T: Yes, you are right. I’m sure you do it.

  1. Целеполагание.

T: Dear friends! Think and say what our lesson is about.

Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения по теме урока:school, parts of the body, classmate, manners.

T: Yes, well done.

Учитель соглашается с учащимися и показывает тему урока, вывешенную на доске . “ Perfect table manners”(слайд 1)

T: You are right! Are you ready?

St: Yes.

T: Nice. Let’s start.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: Show me your tongues. Let’s train them and practice the English phonetics. Look, listen to me and repeat after me!

[u:] [u:] [u:]–spoon, soon, moon

[k] [k] [k]-fork, sock, rock

[ai:],[ai:],[ai:]-life , wife, knife

[i],[i],[i]- think, drink, pink

[i:] [i:] [i:]- feet, meat, eat

[t][t][t]- fight, light, polite

Форма работы: Учитель- класс хором – индивидуально

  1. Систематизация лексического материала.

Выявление лексического материала из фонетической зарядки

T: Boys and girls! Pay attention to the underlined words and guess what they mean. (слайд 2,3,4)

  • Учитель обращает внимание учеников на подчёркнутые слова в фонетической зарядке, жестами показывает данные слова, учащиеся называют их. Затем учитель показывает слова, учащиеся их называют. Подытоживая это задание, учитель демонстрирует сюжетные картинки, учащиеся переводят эти слова.

T: Well done! And now answer my question. Can we combine these words in one sense?

St: Yes, we can. It means- table manners. (слайд 5)

  1. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.

Текст«Table manners

T: You know we should behave well at the table. Open your books at page 131and let’s listen Emily song, read this text, fill in the table and answer: true or false.

T: Let’s check your task. Well done.

(Работа с учебником стр. 131 № 5)

• Учащиеся прослушивают текст, как следует вести себя за столом.

• Учащиеся переводят предложения из текста, заполняют таблицу.

1. The fork goes on the left, the knife goes on the right.

2. Never ever try to bite more food than you can chew.

3. Play with your food and you will be all right.

4. If something is too far don’t pass it to you mates.

5. Never ever try to talk when your mouth is full of food.

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Динамическая пауза.

T: Students! You worked hard and now let’s have a rest. One of you shows the exercise and other students repeat after him or her. Who want to be a teacher?

(В качестве динамической паузы учитель предлагает игру “Follow me”).

Look left, look right

Look up, look down

Look around.

Look at your nose

Look at that rose

Close your eyes

Open, wink and smile

Your eyes are happy again.

  1. Активизация лексического материала по теме «Как следует вести себя за столом» в устной речи.

Now I am giving you some papers and you work in a group than you must act this situation. Good luck!

  • You are at the cafe. Your friend chews.

  • Your friend phones you and talks with you. His (her) mouth is full of food.

  • You are in a guest and your friend sits at the table with elbows and prevents other.

Итогом данного задания является совет, который дает участникам диалога третий ученик.

  • Учитель обращается за советом к каждой группе учащихся, как следует вести за столом. Ученики говорят, что следует делать учителю.

  • Учащиеся должны вспомнить английские пословицы про манеры. Учитель раздает группам пословицы, разрезанные на части. Учащиеся складывают эти части таким образом, чтобы получилась пословица.

Ученики 1-ой группы выстраиваются по порядку, а учащиеся 2-ой группы называют получившуюся пословицу. Ученики 3-ей группы её переводят.

  • The appetite comes with eating

  • Every rule has an exception

  • A spoon is dear to dinner

Форма работы:групповая.

T:Students! Our interesting work is over. Let’s think and say what you should do to be polite.

Учащиеся заполняют находящийся на доске постер To be polite, используя сюжетные картинки, рассказывая, что им нужно делать, чтобы быть вежливым.

  1. Объяснение домашнего задания.

T: Students! Our lesson is over. Thank you for your working. You were so clever and active. And your homework is: give advice (WB: p 131ex A )

  1. Подведение итогов урока, выставление отметок и их анализ.

  2. Рефлексия.

( С помощью карточек, которые разложены на парте у каждого ученика, с изображением лиц: улыбающегося, серьезного, печального, учитель опрашивает детей и пытается узнать, как чувствовал себя каждый ребенок на уроке).

  1. The fork goes on the left, the knife goes on the right.

  2. Never ever try to bite more food than you can chew.

  3. Play with your food and you will be all right.

  4. If something is too far don’t pass it to your mates.

  5. Never ever try to talk when your mouth is full of food.

  1. The fork goes on the left, the knife goes on the right.

  2. Never ever try to bite more food than you can chew.

  3. Play with your food and you will be all right.

  4. If something is too far don’t pass it to your mates.

  5. Never ever try to talk when your mouth is full of food.

  1. The fork goes on the left, the knife goes on the right.

  2. Never ever try to bite more food than you can chew.

  3. Play with your food and you will be all right.

  4. If something is too far don’t pass it to your mates.

  5. Never ever try to talk when your mouth is full of food.

 You are at the cafe. Your friend chews.

 Your friend phones you and talks with you. His (her) mouth is full of food.

 You are at school and your friend sits at the table with elbows and prevents you.

Situation 1

I’m at the café. My friend very chews.



-What do you want to eat?

-I want some rise and fish. And what about you?

-Please, Sasha doesn’t chews. Hurry up!

-Ok. I’m ready.

(Sasha you shouldn’t chew)

Situation 2

-My friend phones me and his mouth is full of food.

-Hello!…This is …. speaking.

-Hello!…How are you?

-I’m all right.. . And what about you?

-Fine. Let’s go to the park.

-I can’t. I go to the swimming pool with my family.

— Please don’t speak when your mouth is full of food. Good bye!

-Good bye!

(Olga you shouldn’t talk when your mouth is full of food. )

Situation 3

I and my classmate are at the English lesson. His elbows don’t close to his side.

Give me your ruler!

Take it.

What we must do?

Stop talking, please.

Give me pencil!

….. you don’t prevent me and you sit straight.

(Artoim! you should sit straight, your elbows close to you side)

Every rule has an exception The appetite comes with eating

A spoon is dear to dinner Every rule has an exception The appetite comes with eating

A spoon is dear to dinner

Урок в 7 классе «Правила поведения за столом»

Урок английского языка в 7 классе «Правила поведения за столом» УМК «Счастливый английский. ру», авторы Кауфман К. И., Кауфман М. Ю.

Цель урока:

Ознакомить обучающихся с новыми словами и выражениями по теме «Правила поведения за столом».

Задачи урока:


  1. Активизировать новую лексику в речи.

  2. Учить обучающихся использовать новую лексику в повелительных предложениях с отрицанием DONT.

  3. Активизировать новую лексику в грамматических структурах с глаголами SHOULD и SHOULDNT.


  1. Продолжить формирование лексического запаса обучающихся.


  1. Расширить кругозор обучающихся средствами английского языка.


  1. Повышать культурный уровень обучающихся.

  2. Мотивировать изучение правил поведения за столом.

  3. Повышать мотивацию изучения английского языка.

Оборудование: мультимедийная презентация, MP3 диск «Счастливый английский. ру» для 7 класса

  1. The Organizing Moment.

Good table manners avoid ugliness. All rules of table manners are made to avoid it. To let anyone see what you have in your mouth is offensive. So is to make a noise. To make a mess in the plate is disgusting. So there are some rules how to behave yourself at the table.

As you know table manners are very important for English pupils. I think not only English pupils and you will be able to go anywhere and have the confidence to know what to do and how to be at the table if you know table manners. Learning table manners will help you how to eat fish, meat, awkward foods, what to do with all the bits and bobs and how to eat pudding, cheese and then dessert, even down to using salt and pepper.

  1. Phonetic Exercises.

  1. Ex. 3, p. 130. TS 59

  2. Let’s remember some cooking utensils. Translate into Russian: fork, cup, saucer, plate, spoon, teaspoon, knife, napkin, paper serviettes.

  1. Listening.

  1. Ex. 5, p. 131. TS 60

  2. Read the rules from the verse “Manners, manners…”

  1. The fork goes on the left.

  2. The knife goes on the right.

  3. Never try to eat without tour fork and knife.

  4. Spoons are for soup.

  5. Forks are for cakes and stew.

  6. Never try to bite more food than you can chew.

  7. Sit as straight as you could.

  8. Elbows are close to your sides.

  9. Never play with your food.

  10. If something is too far, you pass it to your mates.

  11. Never try to take from other people’s plates.

  12. To talk at table is polite.

  13. Not to talk is rude.

  14. Never try to talk when your mouth is full of food.

  15. Never start without a napkin on your lap.

  1. Reading For Detail.

  1. What can’t we do at the table? Read and try to guess.

  1. Put your elbows on the table.

  2. Wave your fork.

  3. Talk with your mouth full.

  4. Blow your nose.

  5. Reach across the table.

  6. Speak while eating.

  1. What should we do at the table? Read and try to guess.

  1. Use your knife, fork, spoon properly.

  2. Sit up straight.

  3. Wipe your fingers on a serviette.

  4. Say thank you.

  5. No playing.

  6. Hats off.

  7. Clean hands.

  8. Hold silverware correctly.

  1. Speech Exercises.

  1. Match the equivalents:

No playing

No reaching

Be grateful

Napkin in lap

Mouth closed

No elbows

Hold silverware correctly

  • Say thank you

  • Put the napkin on your knees

  • Don’t speak while eating

  • Don’t put your elbows on the table

  • Use your fork and knife properly

  • Don’t reach across the table

  • Don’t play at the table

Key: 1) No playing. – Don’t play at the table. 2) No reaching. – Don’t reach across the table. 3) Be grateful. – Say thank you. 4) Napkin in lap. – Put the napkin on your knees. 5) Mouth closed. – don’t speak while eating. 6) No elbows. – Don’t put your elbows on the table. 7) Hold silverware correctly. – Use your fork and knife properly.

  1. Guess the rules.

  1. No playing.

  2. No reaching.

  3. Be grateful.

  4. Napkin in lap.

  5. Mouth closed.

  6. Clean hands.

  7. No elbows.

  8. Sit up straight.

  9. Hats off.

  10. Hold silverware correctly.

  1. Scanning Reading.

  1. Look through the text.

When Invited To An American Home…

Here are a few tips to help you to know how to behave at an American dinner. First of all, you should always arrive on time. Even 15 minutes late is impolite! If you are going to be late, call you host or hostess ahead of time. It is also not polite to come early. It is always nice to bring your host or hostess something such as flowers, but it is not necessary.

When in the dining room, don’t take a seat until your host or hostess shows you where to sit. Unfold the napkin that is beside your plate, and put it on your lap. Bowls of food are usually passed from person to person around the table. People serve themselves.

Before eating, someone may say grace, or prayers. During grace you should bow your head and remain silent. You can start eating when the host or hostess does. In America it is considered rude to begin eating before everyone has been served.

Take part in the conversation, but don’t talk with your mouth full. If someone asks you a question while your mouth is full, finish chewing before you answer the question.

Do not reach in front of someone for a dish, the salt, or the pepper. Simply say, “Please pass the salt.”

Always compliment the cook by saying, “The meal is delicious/ wonderful!” when dinner is over, help clear the dishes off the table. When you are leaving, thank your host or hostess by saying, “Thank you for a nice evening. I enjoyed it very much.”

on time – точно, вовремя

impolite – невежливый

ahead – вперед, заранее

polite – вежливый

unfold – развертывать

grace – молитва перед едой

bow your head – склонить голову

remain – оставаться

rude – грубый

take part in – принимать участие

chewing – жевать

compliment – похвала, хвалить

  1. Say True or False?

  1. Punctuality is not important in the USA.

  2. You can sit anywhere you’d like at the dinner table.

  3. You can start eating when your hoist or hostess does.

  4. You should be quiet during grace.

  5. You should help clear the dishes off the table.

  6. If you want salt or pepper, you should reach it quietly if it is in front of someone else.

  7. You should unfold your napkin and put it in your lap.

  8. It’s nice to compliment the cook.

  9. It’s OK to talk with your mouth full.

  10. When you are leaving, you should thank the host and hostess.

Key: 1F 2F 3T 4T 5T 6F 7T 8T 9F 10T

  1. Oral Speech.

  1. The table manners in the world are nearly the same. However, some countries have their special table manners. Let’s speak about them.

  1. Afghanistan

If you drop bread on the floor while dining at a table, pick it up, kiss it and touch it to your forehead before putting it somewhere other than the floor.

  1. Chile

Do not answer the phone at the dinner table.

  1. India

Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after eating.

You must finish everything on your plate.

  1. Japan

Before you commence a meal, wait for your host to tell you three times to begin eating.

When eating hot noodles, you are encouraged to make a slurping noise; the Japanese believe that this inhalation of air enhances the noodles’ flavor.

  1. Philippines

Always help your host clear the table.

  1. Russia

 It is polite to leave a little bit of food on your plate at the end of a meal, as a tribute to the host’s abundant hospitality.

Always cultivate a vivacious, relaxed dining atmosphere.

Upon leaving the table, always compliment the person who cooked your food.

  1. Tanzania

  Showing up early for dinner is considered rude; aim to arrive fifteen to thirty minutes late.

  1. Proverbs. Match the English and Russian equivalents.

    1. Custom is a second nature.
    2. First think, then speak.
    3. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.
    4. Tastes differ.

    1. Молвишь – не воротишь.
    2. Привычка – вторая натура.
    3. О вкусах не спорят.
    4. Ешь вволю, а пей в меру.

  2. And some more table rules.

Take a slice of bread from the bread-plate by hand, don’t harpoon your bread with a fork.

Берите кусочек хлеба с хлебницы рукой, не накалывай­те его вилкой.

Do not attract undue attention to yourself in public.

Не привлекайте к себе чрезмерного внимания собрав­шихся.

Never read while eating (at least in company).

Никогда не читайте во время приема пищи (по крайней мере, в компании).

When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take.

Когда едите, берите сколько хотите, но съедайте все, что берете.

The customary way to refuse a dish is by saying, «No, thank you» (or to accept, «Yes, please»). Don’t say «I don’t eat that stuff, don’t make faces or noises to show that you don’t like it.

Вежливый способ отказаться от блюда — сказать: «Нет, спасибо» (или согласиться: «Да, пожалуйста»). Не говори­те «Я такое не ем», не гримасничайте и не поднимайте шум, показывая, что вы не хотите этого.

Do not leave spoon in your cup when drinking tea or coffee.

Не оставляйте ложку в чашке, когда пьете чай или кофе.

Do not empty your glass too quickly — it will be promptly refilled.

Не опустошайте стакан очень быстро — он будет неза­медлительно наполнен.

Don’t put liquid into your mouth if it is already full.

Не пейте, если ваш рот набит едой.

Don’t eat off the knife. Не ешьте с ножа.

If your food is too hot don’t blow on it as though you were trying to start a campfire on a damp night.

Если еда горячая, не дуйте на нее так, как будто вы собираетесь развести костер глубокой ночью.

Try to make as little noise as possible when eating.

Попытайтесь создавать как можно меньше шума во время еды.

  1. The Lesson End.

  1. Summing up.

  2. Hometask:

Урок английского языка по теме «Диалог за столом». 3-й класс

Предмет – английский язык.

Класс – 3.

Цель – создать условия для обучения навыкам чтения буквосочетания er, ir и закрепления речевых навыков по теме «Разговор за столом».

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся


Оборудование, технические средства

1. Оргмомент

Приветствует учеников
Stand up, get ready for the lesson.
Good morning, pupils!
Who is away in our group today?

Приветствуют учителя.
Good morning, teacher!



2. Речевая тренировка

Warm Up-1

Let’s remember the words. Look at these pictures and name them. Say all together.

Называют слова по картинкам «Продукты. Овощи и фрукты» хором.


Флэш-карты «Продуты. Овощи и фрукты»

Warm Up-2Let’s remember the sounds. Pronounce correctly and give examples with the words on the board.Называют звуки и приводят примеры слов – продукты питания с этими звуками.
[s] [b] [r] [m] [k] [d3]


Работа с карточками звуков транскрипции
Warm Up-3Let’s play a game with a ball. We work in a chain. I throw you the Russian words, you throw me the English words.Игра с мячом, кидают учителю мяч и называют по-английски слова.


Работа с мячом.

3. Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Продукты»

Объясняет правила игры.
Let’s play a game «Cooks competition». We work in 3 groups. The 1st group cook salad, the 2nd group cook pizza, the 3rd group cook juice. What can you take for salad, pizza, juice?

Ученик от каждой группы выходит к доске и показывает нужные картинки, говорит I can take … for salad.


Работа с карточками продуктов питания

4. Целеполагание

Look at the board. Today the topic of our lesson is Rule of reading er, ir. What is the aim of our lesson?
And the next topic is A Talk at the Table. What should we do?

Ученики формулируют цель урока по данной теме — научиться читать слова с буквосочетанием er, ir.
Мы должны научиться вести беседу за столом.


Работа с доской

5. Обучение чтению буквосочетаний er, ir.
Актуализация правил чтения

Let’s remember the rules of reading.
Look at the board. What sound is it?
or [   ]  Give examples.
ar [   ]
er, ir [3:]- Shirt [J3:t]

Вспоминают правила чтения буквосочетаний, записывают на доске транскрипционные знаки, называют слова-примеры с этим знаком, знакомятся с новым правилом, запоминают пример, записывают его в словарь.


Работа с доской,
со словарем

Mr Rule has a new rule SB p19.
Let’s do ex 3 p19
Let’s do ex 4 p19
Читают правило и слова, переводят их.
Прослушивают и повторяют слова за диктором.
Читают самостоятельно слова, находят слова и подчеркивают слова со звуками [3:] []
Работа с учебником, аудиоприложением

6. Развитие навыков аудирования

Today we visit a piglet Peter. Let’s go him together. SB ex 1 p19

Напоминает ключевые фразы диалога
Do you like …? – Yes, I do. (No, I don’t)
Would you like some …? – Yes, please. (No, thank you).
Help yourself.

Прослушивают текст упражнения с опорой на экран, обсуждают услышанное, проверка понимания, выбирают героя.

Повторяют фразы хором.


Обучающая компьютерная программа «Enjoy Listening and Playing»

7. Тренировка навыков диалогического общения (групповая работа)

Сейчас мы тоже пойдем в гости, научимся встречать гостей, угощать их, будем вежливыми и воспитанными гостями.
SB ex 2 p19

Обучающиеся делятся на группы из 3-4 человек, в которой один хозяин, другие – гости. Моделируют ситуацию за столом.
— Hello.
— Hello.
— Do you like carrots?
— Yes, I do.
— Would you like some carrots?
— Yes, please.
— Help yourself.
— Thank you.


Работа с картинками в группах

8. Физкульминутка

Stand up, let’s have a rest.

Выполняют движения по музыку «Animal Song»


Работа с экраном

9. Развитие навыков самостоятельного чтения

Let’s practice your reading and the questions What? Where? When? Why?
SB ex 5 p19

Самостоятельно читают и соотносят вопросы и ответы, затем фронтально проверяют.


Работа с учебником

10. Закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков

Let’s do ex 3 p12 in your workbooks.
Read the task. We have got the cards on the board. Put the words in the correct order.

Ученик выходит к доске, составляет по карточкам предложение, остальные записывают его в печатную тетрадь.


Работа в печатной тетради

11. Итог урока, рефлексия, оценки, домашнее задание

Что на уроке повторяли?
Что нового узнали на уроке?
Чему научились?
Look at the ladder of success. What step are you on?
Your homework is WB p12.
Your marks today… (с комментариями)

Ответы детей.


Работа с плакатом «Лестница успеха»

План-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему: Конспект урока по теме «Этикет. Манеры поведения»

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

муниципального образования город Нягань

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №14»

Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме: «Этикет. Манеры поведения»

Учитель английского языка I  

                                     квалификационной категории Фазылгаянова Г.

г. Нягань 2013г.

Eating habits.


Образовательные: — обобщить знания лексики по теме «Еда» и научить использовать её в речи; извлекать нужную информацию из прочитанного;

Развивающие: — развивать речевую культуру учащихся,культуру общения; развивать творческие способности у учащихся в нестандартных ситуациях;

Воспитательные: — формировать положительную мотивацию в учении, знать культурные традиции еды в стране изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: -картины, карточки, посуда, песня, ТСО, слайд-программа.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент.

Т: -Good morning, children! Sit down! Let’s start our lesson with the poem:

I like a nice cup of tea at 6,

For to start the day, you see,

And at half past 7,

   Well, my idea of heaven

    Is a nice cup of tea.

I like a nice cup of tea with milk,

And a nice cup of tea with cake,

And when it’s cold,

   There’s a lot to be said

   For a nice cup of tea.

— Who are great tea drinkers? Of course, tea is a traditional English drink. But today we’ll speak not only English tea. Look at the screen and I think you can guess the theme of the lesson. There are many beautiful pictures and they look so attractive, appetizing and delicious. What is the theme of the lesson?

P: — Meals, food, table manners.

T: — Yes, you are right. Many years ago our ancestors said: «Live not to eat but to live». Of course, they were right. We can’t live without food. At our lesson today we’ll speak about English meal and table manners. And we’ll practice in reading, we’ll read interesting texts, we’ll talk about your tastes for food, we’ll puzzle our brains, we’ll be engaged in creative work.

2. Закрепление лексики.

Teacher: — But to do this work we must know the words on the theme “Food” very well. Let’s check the words. Look at your sheets of paper №1. There are food products here. Your task is: to divide them into 5 categories.

l.Divide the words into5categories:

  1. vegetables;
  2. fruit;
  3. drinks;
  4. junk food;
  5. sweets

-an apple, a banana, ice-cream, broccoli, a carrot, coffee, chips, lettuce, olives, an onion, chocolate, an orange, orange juice, a peach, milk, a pear, tea, tomatoes, cake, peppers, cucumbers.

2. Game «Find the odd words».

  1. Bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb.
  2. Carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, lettuce.
  3. Lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee, juice.
  4. Apple, pear, plum, banana, ice-cream.  
  5. Butter, milk, cheese, cream, oil.

3.Scientific facts.

Modern technology not only brings us new foods, it also brings all kinds of information about food. And they appear in the media. What is the information about?

  1.         prevents heart disease.
  2.         is good        for your skin.
  3.         is good        for your nerves.
  4.         strengthens your bones.
  5.         is good         for your muscles.
  6. ….are good for your eyesight.

4. Your tastes for food.

Teacher: — Well done! You know the words very well. I think you can answer my questions.

— What do you usually eat for breakfast?

-What do the English eat for breakfast?

— What is the typical dish in Russia?

-What is traditional English drink?

— What is your favorite dish?

-Do you go to cafes and restaurants?

II. Основная часть.

l. Text “Fast Food Fashion”.

T: -Let’s speak about restaurants. As you know, they are so traditional for America and Britain. Please, read the text. Pay attention to the words. Are the Fast Food Fashion restaurants popular nowadays?

Учащиеся читают текст про себя.

Т: — Now, please, what is true and what is false.

  • The first Fast Food Fashion restaurants were in America.
  •  Young people like Fast Food restaurants.
  • Customers can eat quickly in Fast Food restaurants.
  • Fast Food restaurants are open till 8 p.m.
  • Fast Food restaurants are expensive.
  • Children don’t like the atmosphere in Fast Food restaurants .
  • The hamburgers are sometimes too small.
  • There are a lot of tables.

Teacher: — Well, thank you. Are there such Fast Food restaurants in our country?

P: — Yes, they are in Moscow.

T: — Right. Look at the blackboard, there are the names of some well- known Fast Food restaurants in the USA and Great Britain. (McDonald’s,Pizza hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Fish and Chips).

T: — Which one is the most popular?

P: — McDonald’s.

Т: — Who has been in McDonald’s?

P: — Hot dog!

T: — After the hamburgers, the hot dogs is the great American invention. As you may know, a hot dog is a sausage in a bread roll. But I’m sure nobody knows why is it called “hot dog”?

2. Text “The story of hot dog”.

T:- Read the text and choose the correct answer:

  1. A hot dog is:
  1. a type of sausage in bread roll,
  2. a type of dachshund.
  1. The name changed in:
  1. in the early 1900s,
  2. in the early 2000s.
  1. Tad Dorgan was:
  1. a businessman,
  2. a sports cartoonist,
  1. Dorgan wrote “hot dogs”, because:
  1. he didn’t like dachshunds;
  2. he didn’t know how to spell “dachshund”.

3. Good table manners. Практическая часть.

T: — But when we speak about food, we always think about guests, about visiting cafes and restaurants. And I want be sure all of you have good table manners. You’ll have comfortable eating anywhere if you know some rules. But first let’s see if you know how to lay the table in a proper way. There are silverwares on the table. Your task is to put each piece of silverware on the correct place.

-Well done! The table is served. Look at the screen, please! What is wrong and what is right in their behavior? Do you know good table manners? There are statements on your sheets of paper. You are to divide the advices into 2columns:

Dos and Don’ts:

  • put the table napkin on your knees;
  • use the knife and fork properly;
  • keep the knife in right hand, fork- in the left;
  • eat noiselessly;
  • talk about nice things at the table;
  • speak with your mouth full;
  • put your elbows on the table;
  • wave the knife in the air;
  • eat from the knife;
  • take the bread with a fork;
  • eat noisily;
  • leave the table during the meal;
  • read while reading;
  • forget to say «Thank you»

4. At the restaurant. Ролевая игра. (Посещение кафе, ресторанов)

Teacher:- Very nice! Now I’m sure everybody in your group has got good table manners. I think, it’s high time to go to the restaurant! It was your home task — to make your own dialogues in a restaurant or a cafe. But first listen and translate the phrases, which will help you to make up your dialogues. They are at the screen.

  -Can I take your order?

  -What about your diet?

  -May I take your order?

  -And for the main course?

  -What’s today special?

  -That sounds nice.

  -What would you like to drink?

  -May I have the check, please?

 -How would you like to pay?

T: -Look at the screen, there is the menu of the Old England Restaurant; you can use it in your dialogues. You have 5 minutes. Get ready, please. Which pair will be the first? Are there any volunteers?

III. Заключительный этап урока. Домашнее задание.

Т: — Thank you! There will be the bell soon. Write down your homework, please.

Your marks for today are:        The lesson is over. You may go.

P:-Just a moment, please. Today is the 1st day of our group cafe. It’s name is: «Finger licking good». We want to advertise our samples; we give out our waves for free. Taste yourself!

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